Ew gross
The animation was truly fantastic I must say. You are a truly fantastic flash animator. This flash has a chance of making the front page based on the animation alone. You had little in the presentation department but got it all done in the graphics department.
The sound was incredibly annoying and bad quality. The music was REALLY getting on my nerves towards the end and the voice acting lacked any force. Sound effects were nice though.
The storyline was kinda lame and the transition from idea to idea didn't work. First he was talking to the fish, then all of a sudden you see the worm underwater, then all of a sudden you go through this whole "guy getting caught" thing. I still thought it was OK, but could've been better thought out.
I didn't like the humor. It was pointless and didn't make me laugh at all. Not only that, but the end was unnecesarily sickening. Potty humor is not cool.
Overall, I can't give this less than an 8. The animation is too skillfully done.