not my thing
the graphics were good, and i think it is worth mentioning that you do improve your art with each new submission. so kudos in that department, the backgrounds and poses are pretty nice. better than the other submissions in the series.
the problem i had was the humor. like the other awesome flashes it relied on fast paced overly hyper dialog and contorted drawings for laughs. the jokes didn't seem like anything really interesting or new, and though i like some exaggeration in animation, i thought the way you exaggerated things was so excessive that it was just annoying, almost like you were trying too hard.
i dunno i tried to give this one a chance based on the description but i still just didn't enjoy it at all. its too similar to the other movies in the series and im just not a fan of the "awesome" style you're using. you must admit its the sort of humor than only a certain type of nerdy fan enjoys. and my oh my are there a lot of those people on NG... all i see are tens for the next 10 pages of reviews...
if you want some constructive criticism and not just a legion of morons sucking your dick and begging you to make more awesome movies, this is my two cents: the whole "awesome" act has gotten old and i think you should move on from it, you clearly have the talent to make better material.